We Need Your Help with the National Diabetes Patient Education Survey.
We Need Your Help with the National Diabetes Patient Education Survey.
09 Feb 2023

The Children and Young People’s National Diabetes Network, working group Aim 1 from the National Network Delivery Plan are pleased to announce the launch of a Diabetes Patient Education Survey that has been created by a multi-disciplinary patient education working sub-group.
The Aim 1 workgroup’s mission is “by 2025, we can ensure that every child with diabetes has equal access to the same level of diabetes care and education, that allows effective self-management through the delivery of a national standard programme supported by diabetes teams that include psychologists and social workers.”
For this to be possible, the working group need some feedback from parents, carers, children and young people on various parts of their diabetes education so they’ve created a survey and it would be great if you could spare a few minutes to take their quick survey.
The link for the survey is here: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/KW6B95S
The survey will close on 1st March 2023 and the results of the survey will be used to inform the working groups next projects. The feedback will also be shared on a regional basis by the regional network managers.
Many thanks from all at Team DB : )