New Film for World Down Syndrome Day.

New Film for World Down Syndrome Day.

21 Mar 2024

New Film for World Down Syndrome Day.


Today is World Down Syndrome Day and is a day of global awareness and to mark this special day we’re really excited to share a new film with you which you can see in this post.

We’d like you to meet a remarkable young boy called Wilf and his Mum.  Wilf has Down syndrome and type 1 diabetes and this film gives you a glimpse into their lives.

Here are some facts about Down syndrome:

  • Down syndrome (or Trisomy 21) is a condition in which a person has an extra
  • Chromosomes are “packages” of genes in the body. They determine how a
    baby’s body forms and functions as it grows.
  • Around 1 in every 800 babies will be born with Down syndrome.
  • Down syndrome occurs naturally – there is no known cause.
  • Down syndrome usually causes varying degrees of intellectual and physical
    disability and associated medical issues.
  • People with Down syndrome are at a higher risk of developing autoimmune conditions and type 1 diabetes falls within that.


Many thanks from all at Team DB : )