Exciting News From DigiBete
Exciting News From DigiBete
10 Jun 2022
Happy Friday to you. We thought we’d share some good news with you.
DigiBete is on a mission to improve access to diabetes education and technology for all. We are currently working on some big, exciting projects such as new interactive games, animations and access to technology pages and resources to help keep you up-to-date with what is available to support your self-management.
We are also proud to announce that we have reached a new milestone of 60% of families using the DigiBete App in England and Wales! (see the images below for more details)
Tune in next week for lots of exciting Diabetes Week resources to share in your schools and communities. This page may help you: https://www.digibete.org/type-1-awareness/
Many thanks and have a lovely weekend from all at Team DB