DigiBete App Update

DigiBete App Update

21 May 2020

DigiBete App Update


This is just a note to say that we’ve updated the DigiBete app and you may see some changes to the MyT1D ratio recording.  It’s important to update your app so that you have the full functionality of the MyT1D area. You’ll find that it might not be displaying your information properly if this update isn’t made.

There are a few ways you can update your app :

1 – refresh your app homescreen by pulling it down.

2 – logging out of the app and then logging in again.

3 – going to either Google Play or the App Store and downloading the new updates from there.

Also, if you’re aged 19-25 then there’s a new area for you.

If you have any other issues then please email us at app@digibete.org

Thank you

Team DB : )